Wednesday, February 27, 2013

And here we go!

I am officially running the Maple Grove 1/2 Marathon in May, and the Garry Bjorklund 1/2 Marathon in June. I am so excited!

I will be doing the Garry B. with my inspirational hubby and my awesome sister in law; her hubby is doing the full Grandma's Marathon. We had a great time last year; this year will be no different. Hopefully I can avoid the GI issues I experienced last year...UGH!

As far as the Maple Grove 1/2 marathon, I will be running that with my new friend via Moms RUN This Town, Courtenay (and I am hoping that we could get a couple more signed up for the 1/2 with us....but we'll see...) There are also several ladies from my chapter who are signed up to do the 5k. This should be an awesome, though perhaps challenging race. Lots of hills, I hear....but that's okay. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? I am mostly excited because so many members of my chapter are planning to be there, and it's SO convenient being right in my city and all - that definitely makes it nice.

Last year, when I had been stuck in my weight for several months, the thing that got me unstuck was when I began training for the Garry Bjorklund. I am hoping the same thing happens this year. As it is, I have slightly increased my mileage (running 4 or 5 miles at a time rather than 2 or 3 as I had been) and am noticing less fluctuations. I am actually hoping to hit a brand new low tomorrow when I weigh in....I'll keep you posted on that...I haven't been able to stop thinking about Girl Scout cookies this week so one slip up could send me back in the other direction, weight wise. Because seriously. There is no eating "just one" Girl Scout cookie. Nope. If I were to buy a box and open them here in my office (yes, I have boxes in my office...coworkers have been buying them)... my intentions would be to have one or two after lunch. If I am honest with myself, the reality is that the box would be empty by the end of the day. Aaah...Samoas...thin mints...shortbread...I'm not picky. I am not a cookie racist. All cookies are welcome in my tummy. Ahem...enough about that....

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