Wednesday, May 1, 2013


When you lose 90 lbs and many sizes, it is inevitable that you will need new clothes. And I did buy a few things here and there a long the way, but never too much because I always knew I still had a ways to go - and why buy a bunch of new clothes that you know won't fit anymore soon anyhow?

But for awhile now I've been fairly stable in my weight. I do have a few pounds left to lose, but the major changes are done. Especially on top, I feel pretty safe in building a new wardrobe. But of course, there is another hurdle and that is finances. It isn't cheap to buy a ton of new clothes! Being that we recently moved and have had a lot of adjustments going on, new life to settle into etc, all of our extra money has been allocated towards other things such as debt payoff, beefing up our saving account, getting our kids into some (not cheap) swimming lessons, etc. These are priorities to us (yes, even the swimming lessons - it's not about fun, although my kids do love it...but no, it's about safety).

Now, finally, we had a little play room, thanks to the official closing on the house we sold and (still in shock) actually made money on. Hubby gave me a budget and said, go shopping.

YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I was SO EXCITED. SOOOOO EXCIIIIITED. I headed to a local, very popular and kick-ass outlet mall and shopped all day long with my mom. I bought clothes from stores that I would never have dared stepped foot in before, due to knowing without even looking that they did not have my size. But on this day, I shopped my little heart out. I ended up with several pairs of shorts, a few pairs of pants, several shirts and several tank tops. It felt amazing and there were at least a couple of times where I found myself in a dressing room nearly in tears - not because I was upset, but because I was so happy.  It was also amazing because I am pretty sure I have not ever bought that much clothing in one day. It was a BLAST!! But more than that - it was truly needed, and I think well deserved. I worked my butt off, and continue to work my butt off, for every single ounce I lost over the last 28 months.

My body certainly is not perfect, but it is healthy. Sure, if I could snap my fingers and get rid of the excess chub and skin and stretch marks that are still on my stomach, I would do it. But I am carrying 90 less pounds on this frame. I am strong. I can run!

Anyhow. I followed up my shopping trip with a hair cut and color a couple of days later, and then a little more shopping afterwards, primarily to find a swim suit. I ended up finding 2 actually. And I am looking forward to rockin' them during our vacation just a week from tomorrow (no kids!). We will be staying at a resort right on the ocean and beautiful sandy beach in Florida. Just a short 4 day trip, but I intend to enjoy ever moment.

Now I leave you with a current and my new do'.


  1. Congrats on the 90 lbs. I remember the first time when I fit into a smaller size, I almost started crying too in the dressing room

  2. Congrats on making the list! You deserve the recognition. Top 100 Most Influential Weight Loss Bloggers of 2013
