When I reach goal, I've decided I am going to put together a nice little photo journey to share with the world. Last night, I was looking for some "before" pics I can possibly use...and all I can say is OH DEAR LORD!
To be honest, although I'm not that overweight anymore, and certainly no longer obese... I still sometimes feel like I am. But then, when I look at old pics, I can't believe it was THAT bad. I was 227 lbs. Which is a lot. At the time I would never have told somebody that or imagined ever telling anyone (haha, yet here I am, announcing it to the world. Funny how things change). And you don' t even want to know what I got up to when I was pregnant with my first baby in 2007. Heck, I don't even remember. I think I've blocked it out. But anyhow... I guess when I weighed 227, I kind of always figured, well at least it's not 250 or 275 or 300. Who was I kidding? Obviously I knew I was overweight, but it's almost like the actual reality of it hits way more now when I look back in photos.
I won't share any before pics quite yet...I will save that for one big humiliation fest sometime down the line. But OH.EM.GEE. I was the Matron of Honor in December 2008 for my best friend's wedding. Granted, I had just had my second baby 3 months prior, so a little of it was still pregnancy weight...but wow. I looked awful. It makes me really sad, to be honest. Or I saw a picture of myself in a pool with one of my kids. NOT COOL. Another example - photos from Christmas 2010. I think I have actually posted one of those a long time ago. I am wearing a brown sweater and khaki colored pants, I believe. That outfit is the only of my "before" clothing I have kept. I will be sure to put them on for one of my "after" pictures, to see the comparison.
So yes. You have that to look forward to. Before/after pics, including even the ones that are humiliating because I look so awful. I might even put in some "during" pics. I have one that I took when I was trying on swimsuits for Vegas...I took the pic to send to my hubby for "suit approval". Anyhow...maybe I will even include that. Despite the fact that it's me, in a swim suit, not covered by water...and I was even wearing my socks, still. It's a pretty sexy look, let me tell you! That's how I roll. Swimsuits and socks, baby.
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