Thursday, July 26, 2018

Keep on Keepin’ on

This week was a success! The scale finally started moving and once again I stuck to my training plan.
I was running naked last week (see previous post), but this week I’ve been back with my beloved Fitbit. However, I haven’t paid much attention to pace during my runs. Good thing too because I accidentally had it set to not use my phone GPS at first, and it was giving me slightly better feedback than I deserved 😂

That’s okay though. It feels great to be active again. I’m sleeping better, have more patience (usually...) and I’m feeling positive about the next couple of months training for my fall half marathon.

This weekend, I’m doing 6 miles with my friend Pamela (AKA Ely Half Marathon sidekick/bad-ass).
And I’m looking forward to it! I feel strong and motivated. Not that it means I won’t struggle... I KNOW I will, at times. But it’s all part of the journey. Running a race is awesome. The excitement, nervousness...and feeling of accomplishment when you cross the finish line. But really, it’s not the race itself that is the biggest deal. It’s all of the time, energy and sweat you spend in the weeks or months leading up to it. Whether it’s a former gym class failures first 5k (AKA me, circa 2011), or a half marathon, marathon and beyond...The biggest thing that makes you a bad-ass is that you invested and worked hard to prepare for just one day. For a matter of an hour or less, or even 5 hours. You spent WAY more time preparing...and it pays off.

The last two years, I ran this same half marathon. In 2016, I sort of crash-trained but I was coming off a marathon in June so I had some cushion left. In 2017? Crash trained, all the way. A few weeks, a few long runs and a few short runs. This year? I’m investing the time amd energy to be truly prepared. I haven’t done that since the marathon in 2016. And I’m ready. #imback

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